What is special about the mobile test?

What is special about the mobile test?

What is special mobile testing? Someone asked me this exact question several years ago, while at a conference on the test. I started talking about mobile technologies, applications, how to test them, and what is special about mobile testing. The guy just smiled at me and said, "But software is just on a smaller screen. There is nothing special about it. " He was very arrogant and did not see the challenges of mobile testing. No matter what arguments used to convince him, he did not believe in the importance of mobile technologies, applications, and testing.

I found the same again in 2014, while at a conference where he talked about testing mobile testing. He spoke about the importance of applications and how important it is to test them.

As you can see, it's very easy to underestimate the new technologies. As a software tester is especially useful to be curious to learn something new and explore new technologies to expand their skills.

So going back to the initial question: What about special mobile testing? I think I can assume that has the least mobile, ie a smartphone. Or maybe you have a tablet or even both. If you look at your device (s), what do you see? Only a small computer with small bright icons on your screen? Or see a personal computer with a lot of sensors and input options containing all your private data? Please take a minute to think about it.

The smartphone and tablet personal computers are kept almost all my data, either by e-mail, SMS, photos, music, videos and the like. I can access my data, no matter where I am and I use my smartphone as a navigation system and information to learn more about my surroundings. So I hope that my applications to be reliable, fast and easy to use.

In those three sentences I have described my personal expectations of mobile devices and applications. However, you may have completely different expectations for the same as the next person. And this brings me to the first special characteristic or unique aspect of mobile testing: the expectations of the user.
User expectations
In my opinion, the user of an application is the main objective and the main challenge for mobile computers. The fact that each user has unique expectations makes it difficult to develop and deliver the "right" application to customers. As various reports and surveys have shown you, mobile us
that other software such as browser applications.1 Most reports and surveys state that almost 80% of users delete an application after using it for the first time! The four main reasons for removal are always bad design, bad usability, slow loading time and locks immediately after installation. Almost 60% of users delete an application that requires registration, and more than half of users expect an application to run in less than two seconds. If the application requires more time is eliminated. Again, more than half of the user's experience crashes the first time they launch an application. An average user checks his mobile every six minutes and has installed about 40 applications. Based on those numbers, it can be deduced that mobile users have very high expectations when it comes to ease of use, performance, and reliability. These three characteristics were mentioned most frequently by far when users were asked about their experience with mobile applications.

There are currently more than two million apps available in the app stores of the largest sellers. A lot of applications perform the same task, which means that there is always at least one competitor the application, which makes it very easy for consumers to download a different application because it is one touch away. Here are some points to keep in mind to develop and test a mobile application:

Gather information on the possible target customer group.
Ask your customers about their needs.
Your application needs to solve a problem for the user.
Usability is really important.
Your application must be reliable and robust.
application performance is really important.
Applications It must be beautiful.
There are, of course, a lot of other things that should be taken into account, but if attention to these points is provided, users tend to be happy.

You've probably heard talk about principle.2 KISS KISS is an acronym for Keep It Simple, Stupid and is always a useful reminder, especially for software projects not only inflate the software with another function or option. Keeping the small, easy, and simpler is better in many cases and is likely to make your customers happy. Inspired by the kiss, I came up with my own principle for mobile applications: KIFSU. This abbreviation is a good mnemonic to help you meet the needs of the customer and a constant reminder not to inflate applications with useless functions.

For More Details Regarding Mobile App Development, You Can Visit -: http://brillmindz.com.au/
